
Become a changemaker

As a small non-profit we operate without any revenue funding. Your support can make a BIG difference and help us reach a wider audience

You can support our latest project below via GIVEY Or donate directly here

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How Donations Are Used

We operate without any revenue funding. We are currently raising funds via GIVEY to develop an online package of our domestic abuse drama MOCKINGBIRD HIGH which explores the impact on children from pregnancy to teenage years.

What we will create

  • A filmed version of our original drama MOCKINGBIRD HIGH which can be streamed online
  • A filmed Q&A with the writers and actors
  • A downloadable support resource for community groups and support staff/organisations working with children and young people
  • A live online Q&A with the company to explore the issues raised and their relevance to your work practice or personal experience
  • Accreditation through CPD


What will my donation be used for?

Every gift we receive supports our work on stage and behind the scenes – commissioning writers, supporting and nurturing future generations of talented theatre makers and producing original and innovative work that reaches new audiences. Helping us to enrich people’s lives in many ways.

Can I sponsor a package for a youth group or organisation?

Yes absolutely email Claire@cctheatre.co.uk and she will set this up with you

Are you a charity?

We are a non-profit company ltd by guarantee. All income goes into developing and delivering our work in the community

How much should I donate?

Whatever you can afford – We welcome any donation, no matter how big or small – it all adds up!

I can't donate right now How else can I help?

Any help sharing the fundraising link would be brilliant. You can also help spread the word about our work. If you’ve seen our work recommend us to organisations or send us a testimonial in support to claire@cctheatre.co.uk or leave a review on Google HERE


Of Donations go to the project

people reached per package

children worldwide exposed to violence in the home.

children & young people under the age of 18 will have lived with domestic violence

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